Twitter Trends Urban Gallery

Rol: Scriptwriter / Director / Animator

Agency: Wildbytes

Client: Twitter Spain

Twitter’s feat promoted by Wildbytes.


All in one production of the video case.

Twitter analysed billions of tweets and distilled key hashtags that would shape future conversations. It then published the results for brands and corporations to profit from this knowledge.


Twitter spain asked Wildbytes to develop an immersive experience to make it easier to share and understand all this savvyness.


Twitter Trends Urban Gallery came to be.


And to recap all this, I was called to step in and take care of the video case, from start to finish.

The Case Study Video

One week production

The process.

Personal thoughts and takes on the approach.


The scriptwriting process. As in the majority of projects I work on, visually mapping ideas and text makes it easier to structure concepts, order and establish a clean process.


The astronomical showcase.

A couple of tests to explicitly highlight the astronomical quantity of tweets analysed.

Other Projects



Twitter Trends Urban GalleryTwitter Trends Urban Gallery

Twitter Trends Urban Gallery

